Saturday, January 24, 2009


The new bathroom on the first floor and the two baths on the second floor are now being framed. It is exciting to see walls being put in and not being torn out.

There were four floor joists on the first floor that needed to be replaced. They were rotten and split. Ken took up the original sub floor replaced the damaged joists and is replacing the sub floor.

The second floor bathroom framing and sub floors have been installed. It looks great and now we have to pick out faucets, cabinets and wow what a big deal it is to decide on a toilet.

Today we got the first look at what our new kitchen may look like. This is the preliminary drawing of our new kitchen.
Talk to you again soon.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let The Rebuilding Begin!!

Things are moving along. Ken is our contractor and he is doing the majority of the work on his own, although we try to do what we can when we have time. The ceiling in both the den and kitchen had to be replaced so he put in new 2x12 joists in the ceiling to provide support to the sagging second floor. Next the new bathroom wall will be installed and the plumbing will begin.

Everything Sags When It Gets Old


I am home with a bad cold on the day our new leader took office so I thought I would give you an update. First of all Glen and I want to thank all of our friends and family who support us through all of our adventures. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

Now on to the house. The livingroom ceiling had to be removed because the second floor was sagging. It has to be raised about 2 inches. If we only sag 2 inches in 11o years then I guess we'll be doing well also. Anyhow the new living room ceiling joists are now in and the 2nd floor is well for the most part level. Again it is 110 yrs old.

While this is going on Glen and need to remove all of the nails out of the hardwood floors we removed previously. Every board must be scraped, the grooves claned and the nails pulled. It is a dust nasty mess removing 110 yr old dirt, hair, and other unidentified items.

Much of the time when we are working on the house the boys are outside playing. With 7 acres they have found many ways to entertain themselves. But when it is to cold we have set up a theatre on the third floor where the boys can eat lunch watch movies and play games.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hello again and welcome to OUR OLD HOUSE.

Things are moving along slowly but changes are beginning to happen. The inside doesn't look much like it did when we began this adventure. It is SCARY!! Walls are down, there are huge holes in other walls and we now can see through the floor. And to think that someday this will be our home. OH MY! Our contractor seems convinced that we will be moving in the first part of March but he hasn't said what year that will be. We are not feeling as confident as he appears to be.

It has been exciting; each day after school we go by the house to see if any changes have been made and only wish we could have some time to help out. Well our wish was answered. We had winter break, and when we weren't doing the holiday thing with family, we were able to put some time in on the house. The house was moved from downtown Greeley around 1978. When they moved the house onto the new foundation they failed to remove the several tons of chimney brick.

So for our first job we had the pleasure of tearing out two brick chimneys. one was two stories high from the fireplace in the living room. The other was the original cook stove chimney in the kitchen. It was a messy job.

The chimney removal left a large hole in the livingroom wall. YEA WE ARE GOING TO LIVE HERE .......WHEN?

After the chimney removal we needed to remove all of the hardwood flooring in the master bedroom, and the kitchen/den area. We wanted to keep the origional hardwood floors but they had to be removed and cleaned up first. We will reinstall them at a later date.

A new Kitchen window installed and the old one framed in. The framed in window will become part of the new bathroom.

The new celing rafters are being installed now and the roof should be torn off of the master bedroom soon to make room for the expansion.

We hope you are all doing well and we will continue to add pictures as things progress.
Best wishes,
Todd and Glen