Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Things are moving along now but we had a brief slowdown due to a spring blizzard. March 27th we received 16'' of snow and with white out conditions not a lot of work happened.

The boys had a great time playing in the snow!!

Not so sure that the puppies were having to much fun. The drifts were 3 and 4 feet high. The following day was in the 50's so most of the snow melted and left behind a muddy mess.

After the storm things have picked up a bit. Ken (our contractor) is working on installing a new set of stairs to the basement and the electrician has began to install the new wiring. We were told that the old service pannel was not up to code and we needed to install a new one that will take care of our power needs. So the new one is being installed in the basement.

The new bathtub has been installed in the boys bathroom, Ken is patching and fixing cracks that occured when the floor was raised, and a new back door is being installed. We will be on spring break soon so we are going to be painting any room that can be painted April 6-10th.

We decided we needed a little break from the painting and to spend some time with the boys so we went bowling. We had a great time, insn't bowling ally food some of the best!!

It is sometimes hard to stay focused on the end project but the house is moving along but not as quicky as we had hoped or were informed by the contractor. We decided to call a meeting with the contractor, and bank. We sat down and ran through a timeline. Ken was not real happy with the timeline but we did come to an agreement. The house should be completed by the week of June 8th. WOW!!

Things are gettin more exciting now. The electrician has completed the wiring of the house and the plumber has installed all the plumbing, the framing is done, the new stairs are in, and we have had our first major inspection and passed. We have a set (well as set as those things can be) timeline, and the cabinets are ordered. We picked out our countertops and they will be installed on May 29th. We received notification from Ken that the drywall crew will begin on Thursday or Friday April 23rd or 24th. Things will really begin to change now.
The process has been a long one and has take its' toll on our family. Living in the modular home (trailer) has been hard and given us a new appreciation of "personal space". We are looking forward to stretching out again and having room for our family. It has been almost a year from the first day we saw the house. In fact we placed our first offer on the house the first of June 2008. If all goes well we will be in shortly after that date.
We hope you are all doing well and if you have some time and like to paint we have about 4,000 sq ft. to paint. Love to have the help.
Todd and Glen