Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Raising the Roof part 2

The roof has been removed and the walls are going up on the remodel of the master bedroom. it is going to be fantastic. The bedroom measurements before remodel were 13' x 9' the new master will be 16' x 20' with a 13' x 8' walk in closet. Wow we can't wait.

Our contractor told us that the floor in the mudroom needed to be removed and since it was not part of the contract Glen and I decided to tear it out. The floor was layered and four inches thick. It was quite a mess and a big job.

We decided that we would take on the job on Sunday Feb 15th.

For Valentine's Day Glen had a wonderful surprise for me. He arranged for the boys to stay over night at a friends, made reservations at Hotel Monaco in Denver, and dinner reservations at Panzano a 5 star restaurant nationally recognized. It was fantastic and a wonderful break from the hectic pace we have been keeping.

I will continue the story of the mud room and the 2nd floor remodel next time.

If you have questions or would like to contact us please e mail

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Raising the Roof

Hello again,

Things are moving along at a snails pace and after fighting with Wells Fargo, & the bottom falling out of the housing market, it is a wonder we still have a house.

The junipers are gone and the plumbers have installed all of the plumbing. We had a little disappointment in the kitchen area we had to reduce the size by a foot. That doesn't sound like much but when it is counter top a foot is a lot. It still is going to be beautiful.

Plumbing in the corner of the den.

New plumbing in the master bedroom. We will have two sinks!!! Wow we can't wait.

We are excited to see the new kitchen door being framed in. It had to be moved approximately 16 inches. We are going to install a Dutch door between the kitchen and the mud room.

The roof come off. Yes the day has come when the roof over our master bedroom is removed and extended to a full 9ft ceiling. This is the view as you look out through the roof of the bedroom. You may notice the bolts holding the roof together. We discovered that when the house was moved from Greeley to its present location they cut the top of the house off and then re-assembled it with the bolts back in the 70's.

That's all for now, it is bedtime. I wanted to post before I get my needed beauty rest. A lot of progress has been made in a month and we will post again soon.

Best wishes,

Todd and Glen

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Working Outside

Captain Juniper Man To The Rescue

Well it was another beautiful day in Colorado a balmy 40 degrees. So we decided to tackle the obnoxious juniper bushes that were in front of the house. It was messy but Todd got to play with a chainsaw. A man and his toy!!!!

The below pictures are before and after Captain Juniper Man (Glen)attacked and conquered the range juniper that were taking over the house.